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ACTION NEEDED: Contact Your Officials To Demand Covid Data Transparency 

Dear DR:

Is the state government trying to hide your Covid data? The full release and analysis of detailed testing data could be critical in shaping more focused and less intrusive Covid restrictions for Rhode Islanders. Click here to contact your officials demanding its release! 

This data, which measures “viral load” (how much of the virus is present) and which is routinely collected by labs that conduct covid tests, can be critically important in determining both public policy and individual regimens. 

Take action now to demand it. Our friends at the Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity have launched a new campaign, sending over a sixteen hundred pre-written emails (in just days) to officials petitioning the state to take action to collect and publish this vital cycle threshold data.  

We have a confidential favor to ask you.... can you join the growing list of others who have sent over 2000 emails to these officials demanding the release of this important data?

You can take action by clicking on the link here now, or the button below. Don't wait, because your voice is powerful and it will make a difference for the people of Rhode Island! Thank you.  


-The Gaspee Project

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The Gaspee Project | PO Box 10212, Cranston, RI 02910